Use Cases

Below are some of the most impactful and most common use cases from our customers.

Better Call Handling

Are you missing calls from customers because they all come to your office phone? Do your customers call your mobile outside business hours? Do you want a better way to handle customer calls?

Enhanced Call Flow can allow you to set opening hours, route calls by the location of the caller and send calls directly to specific departments. Or have customer calls ring on the office phone and your mobile. Plus you can record incoming calls for later review or have calls go to voicemail which then emails the voice message to you both as audio and transcribed.

Improved Pick-Up Rate

Research shows that Australians are more likely to answer calls from a mobile number than a local number and will almost never answer a call from a private number.

Consider your staff calling customers from a virtual mobile number that stays with the business and doesn’t involve the complexity or cost of corporate mobile plans.

Appointment Management

There have been multiple studies which show the effectiveness of SMS reminders in reducing appointment ‘no-shows’ and cancellations, while also reducing the workload related to rescheduling appointments.

Could your business benefit from getting more customer appointments and reducing the impact of missed appointments?

Marketing Effectiveness

Consider the effectiveness of SMS marketing versus email in statistics below. Are you missing out on sales by just using email marketing?

Open rate

  • SMS - as high as 98%
  • Email - around 20%


  • SMS - Straight to the customer’s phone with very high likelihood of phone notification
  • Email - Approximately 50% end up in spam folder and low likelihood of phone notification

Click-through rate

  • SMS - Around 19% due to short length
  • Email - As low as 3.2% due to long length and boredom

Staff Engagement

Do you have a predominantly casual workforce or have staff who don't share the same corporate email system? Do your staff prefer to enage on their mobile device rather than a PC? Have you considered communicating and engaging with your team via SMS?

voipl's platform allows easy integration of SMS into your email or HR systems using either Email to SMS or our Simple SMS Gateway.

Ensure your team are aware of upcoming shift openings, training opportunities and key notices but enabling staff communication with SMS.

Make sure that your team messaging is getting directly to their SMS inbox.